The files contain the phenotype data for all the features in CGD. Individual species have their own phenotype file in this directory. The format is a tab-delimited table with the following columns: 1) Feature Name (Mandatory) -The feature name of the gene 2) Feature Type (Mandatory) -The feature type of the gene 3) Gene Name (Optional) -The standard name of the gene 4) CGDID (Mandatory) -The CGDID of the gene 5) Reference (CGD_REF Required, -PMID: ####|CGD_REF: #### (separated by pipe)(one reference per row) PMID optional) 6) Experiment Type (Mandatory) -The method used to detect and analyze the phenotype 7) Mutant Type (Mandatory) -Description of the impact of the mutation on activity of the gene product 8) Allele (Optional) -Allele name and description, if applicable 9) Strain background (mandatory) -Genetic background in which the phenotype was analyzed 10) Phenotype (Mandatory) -The feature observed and the direction of change relative to wild type 11) Chemical (Optional) -Any chemicals relevant to the phenotype 12) Condition (Optional) -Condition under which the phenotype was observed 13) Details (Optional) -Details about the phenotype 14) Reporter (Optional) -The protein(s) or RNA(s) used in an experiment to track a process 15) Anatomical Structure (Optional) -The Fungal Anatomy Ontology term that denotes the affected structure for an anatomical phenotype 16) Virulence Model (Optional) -The model system used to assess the virulence of a mutant 17) Species The content of the file is updated weekly. For further details about how phenotype information is recorded, please see: Please note that prior to February 24, 2010, CGD mutant phenotype data were provided in a file named '', whose format was as follows: - systematic name - standard name - primary CGDID - mutant type - mutant phenotype - notes - reference (PMID)