CGD Help: Gene/Sequence Resources



Gene/Sequence Resources (GSR) serves as a central point for accessing much of the information available at CGD for a 1) a named DNA sequence, 2) a specified chromosomal region or list of regions, or 3) a raw DNA or protein sequence. This information includes biological information, table/map displays, and sequence analysis and retrieval options. Once you have specified a sequence name or region(s), GSR will present only those options which are available for obtaining information about your entry.

CGD's Gene/Sequence Resources tool and Batch Download tool both allow you to retrieve sequences in batch for a list of regions. The difference between the batch options of these two tools is that GSR retrieves the entire nucleotide sequence between the coordinates specified in a list, while Batch Download retrieves only the sequences of the features (protein-coding and RNA genes, centromeres, etc.) that are annotated within the specified regions.

Whenever possible, selecting one of the available options for your entered sequence name or region takes you directly to the results for your entered sequence. In other cases, it takes you directly to the resource with the sequence already pre-pasted (e.g., BLAST, Restriction Analysis). When a list of sequence regions is entered, you will be presented with a link allowing you to download a file containing the sequences.

Using Gene/Sequence Resources