CGD Help: Proteome Browser


Proteome Browser Description

The CGD Proteome Browser displays primary structural information for CGD proteins. It is adapted from the Proteome Browser developed at the Saccharomyces Genome Database, and is a customized version of GBrowse, a genome browser developed by the Generic Model Organism Database (GMOD) project. The information displayed by the CGD Proteome Browser was generated by searching the organism's protein sequences against the InterPro database of protein domains, motifs and other sequence signatures, using the InterProScan program. Features are displayed according to their position in the protein's primary structure. Hovering the mouse cursor over a feature brings up basic information such as feature type and significance score, and clicking on it links-out to a detailed description provided by the relevant InterPro member database.

Proteome Browser Organization

The page is organized into sections for navigating the browser and controlling the level of detail it presents. These sections can be hidden or displayed by clicking on the box on the left (labeled "-" or "+", respectively). The different sections are:

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